Wednesday, May 1, 2013


  1. Believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.
  2. Doubtful as to whether something will happen or is worthwhile

I've never been a cynical person. Just the opposite really. I trust and I believe that people generally have good intentions.  Maybe that is how I satisfy my own self-interest.  I need to believe the world is a good place and that people are inherently good honest people in order to maintain my positive attitude.  I need to believe in the other person's sincerity.  It's what keeps my faith alive.

I listened to some advice against my...not better judgement.  I was waiting around for something I wanted and was told that maybe I should move on.  I denied, even fought the idea that I was waiting...but it was true. So I took one step away, took a chance on a moment and I was so wrong.  Again. It was like getting my hand slapped because I smiled.

I'm trying to understand why people are so deceptive. They think their deception is unintentional because they meant no harm in doing it.  Well, no harm to themselves because they certainly are not thinking of the other person's best interest.

Lets just stir up someone else's emotions and then say we didn't mean to.  That makes everything OK.

What I need is to have my soul satisfied.
I keep looking in the wrong direction.

Yet, I'll keep waiting for you.  It feels safer.


Deception...with the best intention

Just make eye contact
Stand a little closer
Talk a while
Share a smile
Laugh a lot
Touch her arm
Make her believe
Reel her in
Tell your secret... 
Break her heart
before or after you take her?


About Me

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Full time Mom, General Manager in the Electronics Industry, Information Systems Geekette, and coffee addict. Part time Photographer and writer. I am just me every day.