I didnt realize just how badly I was shivering, until later that night, when I looked at my shots on my computer screen. I was so disappointed with the amount of blur. Despite my failure to adapt properly under adverse conditions, I did end up with a few interesting shots.
There were quite a few of us hanging out on the street corner. Every time the walk sign changed, a group of us would aim our cameras at the crowd and click away. Some people noticed, and loudly wondered what was going on. Most people were completely oblivious. They were engaged in conversation, or busy trying to keep warm.
I managed to survive the cold for nearly three hours, at which point we decided to hit the Borders across the street for a warm coffee. They had a lovely cafe upstairs that yeilded a few nice shots as well. These, of course, turned out well because my shivering had ceased. It was nice to spend some time chatting with the other photographers.

What I learned: Its ok to increase your ISO to compensate for low light. Something I regularly forget to do. I dont know why.
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