Just finished the second week of the new semester in school. Both of my classes are extremely interesting, but the homework is a bit overwhelming. I feel like I am unfocused and I think I’ve reached the point of information overload. My poor brain is being flooded with info from work, school, twitter, and all the really cool blogs that I am following. I could read for hours. Oh yes, and the 24hour PASS session that I attended was highly informative.
We have a team project in my Marketing class to develop a marketing plan for a new product. My team chose to create a new Pop-Tart cereal. Personally, I love Pop-Tarts. I would like them in milk. Any flavor would work for me. I’ve even eaten Pop-Tarts for dinner on occasion. So, basically it’s an exciting project for me. And by the way, Pop-Tarts is a hard word to type.
Anyway, I did accomplish quite a bit this week despite being unfocused. Yesterday I wrote over 3500 words of One Fine Day. That puts the total word count on that story at over 10,000. The story is evolving as I am writing. It’s going in a different direction than I had originally planned. The two main characters have become an interesting side story. A secondary character is taking over the lead role and turning into a shining star. I really like the direction it is going. But, I need to take a step back and let this new direction sink in and gel for a few days.

As I am going through this process of writing, I am finding out interesting things about myself. This week I realized that I am not very good at drawing comparisons. “Like” is not a term that I have used much in the past. Writing in a corporate environment does not lend itself to the use of “like” or “as if” very often. I know when I need a comparison, but seem to draw a blank. So, I’ve resorted to putting an asterisk after the word “like.” Then I type on without actually drawing the comparison. Now, I have to go wander around looking for comparisons just for practice. Maybe I’ll find a few that fit into the story.
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