Anyway, recently I took a trip down to Urbana Illinois on business. It's only about a 3 hour drive south of home, but I decided to take the rural route instead of the highways. I should have taken a decent camera with me. But I didn't, so I was stuck taking pictures with my cell phone camera. It takes very poor quality pictures and I was surprised that a few pictures turned out interesting. Mostly, I just enjoyed the process.

I took about 20 or so different shots during the round trip. I made the mistake of driving past a few great views on the way down thinking I would stop and take them on the way back. I did stop, but the change in the position of the sun changed the whole picture. They didnt turn out nearly as cool as they would have earlier in the day.
I've decided to take a photography trip in the spring. Just a weekend drive out to the middle of nowhere. I'm thinking Galena, IL. Though, I cant go alone because honestly taking pics while driving is not an easy thing to do. Good views do not always come with a place to park.